Bigger Isn't Always Better
This week in my entrepreneurship class a women by the name of Cindy Robinson came in to speak with us. She is the founder and owner of a cute candy shop called The Covered Wagon. Cindy gave us her background story, which included how she was able to start her own business and the trials that come with that. The big take away I got from Cindy is that she said, "Bigger isn't always better." She started out with just one store and with the huge success that it was decided to continue to open more stores. She told us about all of the problems that came with that and emphasized that bigger isn't always better. They scaled back down to two stores and she has seen much success.
Both my husband and I are very entrepreneurial minded. We are always exchanging ideas and watching Shark Tank, where we some time see people with simple ideas go a long way. This idea of bigger isn't always better struck a chord with me. After this lecture I have not been able to stop thinking about what is stopping me from starting my own small business on a corner downtown?
I know I am still in school and it is kind of hard to hit the ground running when you have approximately five hours of MCom homework to do. However, this thought process has just had me continually thinking about ways I can be successful without necessarily having to be revolutionary. I will continue to write these thoughts down and reach for my goals.